Care Instructions

Congratulations on making an investment!!! With proper care your worship tool(s) should last a long time. I suggest that after each use, you properly store your worship tools. If you purchase silk it can and will wrinkle. It is suggested that you fold your items after each use. Putting them away in a protective sleeve will help to keep them out of the elements.

Your worship silk will not need to be washed as often if properly cared for. If your item gets soiled then it is suggested to hand wash it. If you are using the washing machine, it is highly recommended to use a mesh laundry bag designed specifically for use in the washing machine. Use the “delicate” setting on the washing machine. Anything else might tear the fabric.

If handwashing, use only cold water and just a drop or two of liquid washing soap to clean the item. Gently wash the fabric. Do not scrub or wring the material with your hands as that will damage the fibers.

When you remove the item from the washing machine, iron it immediately on a “silk setting” that is a feature on the iron. Be very careful not to leave the iron stationary or you will burn the silk.

Do NOT put the silk(s) in the dryer. Silk fabric will shrink by quite a lot!

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